Quote of the Post - Silly, Wise, or Inspiring, and the Occasional Nonsense

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Plans are Set

After a lot of back and forth about how long I should stay in Georgia I've finally settled on a plan. Staying there for a long period of time was just not going to be possible financially so the plan is to leave Minnesota on May 30th, go to Ian's graduation on June 1st, have a nice dinner and overnight visit, then head back. It's not going to give us a lot of time together, but Ian and I talked and he can come up later in June, or we will make plans for Christmas.

I'm a little freaked out about the bus ride because I only just realized that 2 days on a bus, making frequent stops, and filled with strangers, is probably not the best place to sedate myself. I'm working on some meditation and breathing techniques to help me get past the anxiety. I may break my no drinking policy and have a shot or two as well. It's not approved therapy, but it sure can take the edge off in a pinch. I'm looking into getting an extra battery pack for Priscilla the Laptop, and if I do, I'll occupy some of the ride with good old fashioned Sims therapy. *giggles*

Once I get back home I'll be doing several weeks of testing in preparation for the bariatric surgery. More than likely the surgery will happen in August, after my little brother gets married, but there is a small possibility that it could be as early as the beginning of July. If July is possible it would have to be in the first week so I can be sure that I'll be up to the road trip to the wedding. Keith will be driving, and while I would normally take a pill and sleep the whole way up north, I'll need to be semi lucid to make sure that he doesn't get lost.

Oddly, just having the basic timeline set out is more reassuring than I had expected it to be. Now I'm hoping that as plans get more detailed I'll get more settled. *fingers crossed*

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