Quote of the Post - Silly, Wise, or Inspiring, and the Occasional Nonsense

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It wasn't as bad as I thought

So I attended my first meeting at the surgeons office. I was expecting it to be a humiliating, strip down to you panties experience. I had nightmare visions of the time I joined a gym and they came out with calipers and pinched me in delicate and personal places. Thankfully I was over thinking things and there were no calipers involved, just a digital camera and a tape measure. Their height measuring apparatus was broken, and recorded me as being 2 inches shorter than I am, and the lady had a good giggle about that because that would have made me shorter than her, which I obviously was not. The rest of the visit was just discussing insurance requirements and benefits.

All in all, I think the freaky car ride to the other side of the city was a waste of time since most of it could have been done over the phone, and the picture and measurements part could have waited until I actually met with the surgeon. That appointment won't be for quite a while since I have to gather, from various and sundry doctors, a history of my weight for the past two years, see a shrink, and participate in some kind of phone seminar with my insurance company. It's looking like I won't be meeting the surgeon until after I go down south to Ian's graduation.

On the happy side, I was given the OK to indulge a little for the next few weeks. Since my biggest issue to overcome is flavor cravings for savory and rich, rather than hunger, it's a good idea to appease some of my cravings now. There's still the reflux to contend with, but I know which foods make it really bad, so I'll avoid them...well, most of them, I've been craving spaghetti for a month now.

Happy Hoppy my friends!

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