Quote of the Post - Silly, Wise, or Inspiring, and the Occasional Nonsense

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

They Call Me Breaky

Well, if you're on my list of Facebook Friends, you know that I had a run in with a pitcher of water two weeks ago. The pitcher won, sort of. I ended up with a broken hand. At first the doctor and I were worried that there may be some bone issues if something so completely innocuous as picking up a half full filter pitcher can break my hand. Thankfully, as it turns out, my hand was already broken, I just didn't know it until I went for a glass of water. Now I can chalk it up to the "old standby", which is, I did it in my sleep.

Over the years I've had some odd injuries that eventually led me to get the nickname "Breaky". Starting when I was 5, I broke my collar bone getting into bed, at 12, I broke my ankle HORRIBLY while standing on a stationary skateboard on a flat street. There were the times I broke my foot walking down stairs, sprained my wrist while trying on shoes (and was hit by a truck while I drove myself to Urgent Care), and knocked out my front tooth while I took a power nap before a job interview. That's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, as there are at least 5 other injuries that I've sustained while in the relative "safety" of my bed. I've broken my nose so many times that it makes a weird crackling noise when I wiggle it.

All in all, it makes for good storytelling, and it could be worse. The girl who nicknamed me "Breaky" was nicknamed "Burny". She used to catch on fire alot. o.O

1 comment:

  1. Dear Marlo,

    It's such a long time I didn't went around here and it's a shame for me...
    I was upset to hear that you had broken your hand. How is it now ? Better, I hope. I know that it must be really handicapping for real life, especially for using a computer...

    I was a bit amazed reading your "breaky report". Poor Marlo. For my part, I'm quite lucky since I had never broken something.

    I send you good wishes of recovery and lots of sunny (and very hot, it's the dog-days here) hugs from France.

