Quote of the Post - Silly, Wise, or Inspiring, and the Occasional Nonsense

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Online Hiatus and Other News

Hey friends! Boy time sure doesn't fly when it's hot, muggy, and you have no internet. Thank goodness for free Wi-Fi around town, generally even in places with air conditioning. I expect to be offline for another month while I put other priorities first. If only a mothers pocket book was as deep as her love...sigh. On the plus side, in a few weeks I will be able to talk to Ian again, just as soon as I activate and send him "our" new cell phone. Currently he has no cell phone, or home phone, and I can only talk to him for a few moments here and there through his fathers work phone. I am SO looking forward to having regular chats with him again.

In other news, I'm in my 6th or 7th week of "skills" class and I'm really seeing a huge difference. I started the class because I was having trouble making some of the lifestyle changes that I need to make for bariatric surgery. It must be working, because not only have I been able to transition to a new meal plan AND keep my diabetes in check, but I've also lost 20lbs without even thinking about it. It's still a very long process, and I'll be continuing class for about 1/2 year. I'll revisit the surgeon in a few months, once I know I'm firmly planted on the right path.

Other than that, I'm leading an incredibly BORING life, and I'm finding it to be a particularly refreshing experience.


  1. ... and I'm so happy to read at least some news from you, my friend! You're a lot in my thoughts these days, and I'm missing you. Good to read that you are really doing well with the classes and your diet! That's really SUPERFABULASTIC... I know it isn't easy, and I'm proud about you! CONGRATS! Hang in there, dear, things will get better, I'm sure ;) - And I'm so glad you are enjoying your boring life! (((hug)))

  2. Boring is good sometimes. And so is losing weight without thinking about it... :)
    Glad you're doing so well with the classes. Lifestyle changes can be really hard at first, so I'm glad it is all working out for you!

