Quote of the Post - Silly, Wise, or Inspiring, and the Occasional Nonsense

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Big Appointment this Week

After waffling back and forth about the bariatric surgery and whether or not to cancel my first consultation I've decided to go to the appointment this week and make my decision after that. There are more pro's than cons for the surgery, but the quantity doesn't quite measure up to the quality right now. On the pro side, the biggest factor is that the surgery could reverse my diabetes, and if my neuropathy isn't too advanced, that could reverse as well. Second, obviously, would be the weight loss, and with that, all kinds of little things like new clothes, high heel shoes, and improved self esteem. The final pro is regaining significant mobility.

The cons are slightly more complicated, and convoluted. As some of you may know, a few years back I had some issues, partially depression related, and partially from lack of money to buy food, and I didn't eat for close to 4 weeks. I did get some calories from beverages, but it wasn't enough and I ended up with severe malnutrition and complications with an already wonky liver. Because of that, my dear, sweet husband is super vigilant about always having food in the house, and therein lies the biggest problem in regards to my having the surgery. My husband doesn't have the slightest idea how to shop. I try to avoid the grocery store whenever possible, but I do make lists of what I want. Inevitably, he will come home with the things on my list, and a host of canned pasta, frozen pizza, candy, chips, ice cream, and all kinds of junk that I'm just not supposed to be eating. We've talked about this compulsion several times, and each time he says he can stop, but the next time he goes to the store he comes home with more junk. This is really the only con, but it's huge, because once I have the surgery I will really need to stick to a very strict food regimine or face serious, and potentially dangerous, complications. Not only do I not want to have to deal with the temptation of the foods that I used to love so much, but we just can't afford to waste money on food that won't be eaten.

I guess it's not as dire as it seems at times, Keith did come home from the store yesterday with no extras, so maybe he's turning it around. I guess time will tell. I'll let y'all know how the appointment went later this week.

And now I'm off! Before I go, I'm hoping to have a chat session on Monday, if you're interested in joining us, pop me an email at x.aponee.x at gmail dot com. (The x's are part of the address, you know what to do with the rest)


  1. The pro's indeed are outwieghing the con's, Marlo ;)! You and Keith together will be able to handle the cons, and turn them 'round together! Go for it, dear! Good luck and strength on the appointment (or did you have it already?)

  2. (((((hug))))) thanks steppe! we are going to try. keith slipped again on the last shopping trip, but we decided that when that happens i will just bag up the "extras" and keith will have to go back to the store to return them. that should resolve the issue fairly quickly, he hates having to do that.
