Quote of the Post - Silly, Wise, or Inspiring, and the Occasional Nonsense

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

[Insert terrible, painful things HERE] to the Hackers!

I took a goof off day yesterday so my head wouldn't explode. It didn't explode, as you might have noticed by now, but it really really wanted to. The day before yesterday i spent the whole damn day fixing countless files at the website because some buttwipe hacker found their way in and put a browser hijack script on them. GRRRRR. The webhost said the problem was on my end, so after I fixed all the files, I spent 2 hours changing all my passwords, which is always a pain, and then I spent 10 hours doing 4 different deepscans of my computer. I never did find a keylogger, so I'm really not sure how the bastard got in.

I'm not going to argue with my host, since they really have been very good to me, but I have to wonder if it really was because of some breach of my home PC. I would think that if someone found their way into my PC, they would have gone after my PayPal, or banking info, or something actually profitable. It makes no sense that they would just snag the password to my website in order to post a script that any halfway competent AV program would immediately flag. The mind boggles. O.o

All is fine now, but the chat room had to be deleted completely since it was mostly JavaScript, and every file had been attacked. Not only do I know nothing about JS coding, but I don't even have a program that will edit it. Some of us tried out Gmails group chat feature yesterday, none of us had good things to say about it, there were lots of disconnects, and we had to open a new chat room a few times because someone would get booted and couldn't get back in. I will install a fresh chat room this weekend. I won't be publicly posting the chat room URL, but I'll send the link to anyone (that I know) who wants it, as well as those of you that would show up for chats from time to time. There's just nothing like the chaos of a bunch of people all chatting about differnt things at once LOL.

Aside from that, I've not got much going on besides some internet window shopping for the perfect outfit to wear to Ian's graduation. I'm looking for that right mix of kind of hip and funky but not embarassing. *Fingers Crossed*


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