Quote of the Post - Silly, Wise, or Inspiring, and the Occasional Nonsense

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Pains of Getting Healthy

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure, pregnancy can make some pretty whacky, and permanent, changes to your body. I'm NOT pregnant, I was fixed years ago. My point is that after I carried Ian for 48 weeks (he really didn't want out LOL) I had a whole new body and chemistry to get used to. Besides thinner hair, oddly growning fingernails, and feet a whole size and a half larger, I ended up with some vicious reflux that never went away. I've told doctors about it for years, and they always jotted it down but somehow forgot to actually do anything about it. Well, to be fair, there was that one time that I was given Prevacid, but it was for an entirely different hemisphere of my body, and for all my research I never did find out how it was supposed to be helpful for that particular affliction.

Today my doctor actually prescribed something for me after she looked in my throat and confirmed that the reflux was erroding my throat and making it bleed. Now I have a whole new list of things to give up. Of course if it stops the fire acid from eating away at my insides that will be wonderful, but how the heck am I going to give up chocolate and mexican food without a good week long crying session, at the very least? Chocolate is the worst of it, but I eat far less chocolate than I do onions, and I have to give up those too. I put onions in everything i make. Every week I make a medium sized container of chopped onions and celery for salads, and to cook with. At least I don't have to give up the celery, that's negative calories that are so easy to incorporate into most recipes. Salsa will be missed too. It's got some fabulous metabolism balancing qualities, so I try and sneak it into things when Keith isn't looking. He's a big baby who thinks Taco Bell mild sauce is too hot o.O.

I'll admit the reflux is worse now than usual, and that I am fully to blame for that. I've been having food "funerals" to say goodbye to some of my favorites that I won't be able to have after my surgery. I wish I had made it to Applebee's to share one last Chocolate Lava Cake with Keith, but I suppose I'll just have to stop the funerals, and behave myself. I guess that means the bar of Black and Green Organic Chocolate on top of the fridge will go to a worthy food shelf, and while I'm happy to spread the chocolate love to those less fortunate, I'm sure I will be shedding a tear as Keith has to wrestle the package from my fist and drop it in the bin. At least it's for a good cause, them and me.

Thanks for listening to me ramble, now go pretend you're me and eat a Chocolate Lava Cake! [Insert CHEEKY emotie here]


  1. My poor Marlo,
    I understand how it could be awful to stop eating food that you love. I would be so sad and desperate if I should give up chocolate or cheese.
    Courage my friend, your a great person and I know that you'll can manage with this "challenge". I send you lots of good thoughts and every time I'll eat some chocolate, I will pretend that I'm you !!
    Big hugs

  2. (((((hug))))) Stephanie! thank you, and i hope you eat some of that good Nestle Noir ;) (and maybe even a few Carambar, i like the fraise *giggles*)
